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by booger351
Thursday 6th Aug 2015, 1:17
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: 8719 washington low rx and tx
Replies: 0
Views: 14896

8719 washington low rx and tx

Tackling the rx first, I have found that tr10 emitter voltage was missing lifting r43 restores the emitter voltage to .11 am rx .09 am tx
by booger351
Friday 20th Nov 2009, 9:02
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: northstar/galaxy 44v no power
Replies: 2
Views: 6090

Re: northstar/galaxy 44v no power

The radio is am/fm only, tested on am
by booger351
Thursday 19th Nov 2009, 13:58
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: northstar/galaxy 44v no power
Replies: 2
Views: 6090

northstar/galaxy 44v no power

Radio Make and Model: northstar / galaxy 44v PCB Number: EPT360014B PLL Number: Test gear available: watt/swr meter, multimeter, external freq counter Symptoms: no tx power What is working: audio through pa, can hear on close radio What has been tried: changed driver 2sc2166 Did it suddenly happen ?...
by booger351
Friday 16th Oct 2009, 11:05
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Mirage 88 freq counter reads wrong only on one band
Replies: 1
Views: 4852

Mirage 88 freq counter reads wrong only on one band

Radio Make and Model: Mirage 88 PCB Number: PLL Number: Test gear available: volt meter, freq counter (for testing, not in-line.) Symptoms: If the radio is put on one band above the reg 40 the freq counter reads off on am, fm, and usb, but reads correct on lsb What is working: everything else seems ...
by booger351
Monday 14th Apr 2008, 21:08
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: UPD858 Chip Mod
Replies: 5
Views: 11360

what is the mod for the AM version, I have a 89xlr, I think it is: isolate 19 and 19 to center pin, ground to one and 5v to other.
Let me know if this is right.
by booger351
Sunday 13th Apr 2008, 10:50
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: President Grant DX
Replies: 6
Views: 11104

The coil in front of the driver was touching one leg of the cap on the front of the driver, not sure if that was it, but I'm getting 50ma on the driver bias now, am power is 25 pep, ssb is around 30 pep.
by booger351
Saturday 12th Apr 2008, 15:39
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: President Grant DX
Replies: 6
Views: 11104

r261 shows good 2.2 on the meter.
by booger351
Thursday 10th Apr 2008, 18:37
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: Power Supply's too use with Amplifiers?
Replies: 5
Views: 11378

I had a boomer 500 base box that I changed the 4 pills from 455's to 2290's putting out a little over 600 and it ran on its internal 35amp with no problems, it didn't have a built in ammeter, so it could have been starving for power, but I ran it for about 2 years after the upgrade before I sold it.
by booger351
Thursday 10th Apr 2008, 18:26
Forum: CB Radio Amplifiers
Topic: Suggestions from the knowledgable people
Replies: 3
Views: 8642

29's are a pretty decent mobile they can take a beating, I think the antenna is the most important part of your set up, if your not doing anything farther than 1 mile I would start there.
by booger351
Thursday 3rd Apr 2008, 14:05
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: President Grant DX
Replies: 6
Views: 11104

I just aligned this radio and I can only get about 10ma on the driver bias and is supposed to be around 50ma, does this mean the driver is weak or is it something else. I'm getting a 4 watt dead key with swing to about 25.
by booger351
Wednesday 2nd Apr 2008, 16:11
Forum: CB Antenna Systems
Topic: How critical is quality of coax
Replies: 5
Views: 15078

I don't think you will notice much performace difference, although cheaper coax is less shielded and might result in your radio bleeding through tvs and phones ect, and may be more likely to recieve interferance from power lines and other rf noise. As far as performance, rg-8/u (the thin stuff) has ...
by booger351
Wednesday 2nd Apr 2008, 15:01
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: Can You Power A CB Radio with a Computer Power supply?
Replies: 5
Views: 11724

As long as it is 12v DC it should work, the other thing pay attention to is the amp rating, depending on what type of radio you are running, you would probably need at least 3 or 4 amps for a stock radio, and closer to 10 amps for a higher end ssb radio. If you hook it up and the lights in the radio...
by booger351
Tuesday 1st Apr 2008, 23:42
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: President Grant DX
Replies: 6
Views: 11104

found the problem.
.0047 cap on the back of mic jack going from audio to ground was bad, and tr31 and tr32 were GONE!! 32 is a beep oscillator(oh well) and 31 is the mic attenuator, all is good now except the beep, and the guy I fixed it for lives close sooooo. YAY no beep lol.
by booger351
Tuesday 1st Apr 2008, 9:58
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: galaxy ssb melaka
Replies: 10
Views: 17012

Sorry guys I should have checked further before I posted, I found out that the melaka is made by ranger (rci), If you get the number off of the board we may be able to find something that way. I sent a message to galaxy support and this is their response. The name Galaxy is well known in the communi...
by booger351
Sunday 30th Mar 2008, 23:34
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Fine Tune Galaxy Saturn:
Replies: 6
Views: 10115

Sounds like they or you may be off frequency a little bit, did you try the coarse control first then the fine, may be a dumb question but you never know. The fine control might move 1 or 2 khz in the full rotation, where the coarse should move close to 10k, that or if they are real close you may hav...
by booger351
Sunday 30th Mar 2008, 16:31
Forum: What Equipment ?
Topic: in the shack
Replies: 0
Views: 6080

in the shack

Radios Ranger 6300f150 Icom 735 hf Yaesu 3000m 2 meter Yaesu 8100r 2 meter/70cm sick galaxy 66 cobra 21xlr Icom vx-2 2m/70cm ht Alinco dj596t 2m/70cm ht an old sears/yaesu crystal type vhf(ugly but it works) a bunch of astatic mics, echomax, silver k eagle, night eagle, 2 other d104s, 1 i cut down a...
by booger351
Sunday 30th Mar 2008, 15:42
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: galaxy ssb melaka
Replies: 10
Views: 17012

I think these use the same board as most of the galaxy radios, here is a link to the mod for the 55 with EPT360014B or EPT360014C board, I would check the board number to be sure, I have also seen d80 cut to give talkback in other galaxy radios.
by booger351
Sunday 30th Mar 2008, 15:14
Forum: CB Radio General
Replies: 4
Views: 9524

I have seen the metallic looking ones for the 2000 on ebay, looked like blue diamond plate, I think there was one store I went to on there that would do custom stickers for about any radio even the galaxy bases, I'll look around and see if I can find it again.
by booger351
Thursday 27th Mar 2008, 19:40
Forum: Tech Area
Topic: test equipment
Replies: 12
Views: 33218

I'm looking to get some test equipment also, I have no idea what to get, up until now I have just been doing tune ups and a few mods, and am wanting to get further into repairs, as all of our repair shops in this area are dissapearing, and I have been getting more and more radios to work on but don'...
by booger351
Tuesday 25th Mar 2008, 21:09
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: What Happened:
Replies: 10
Views: 17253

Yeah we are in the low period of the solar cycle, things should gradually pick up over the next few years, I know there are quite a few hams that operate around lawrenceburg on 2 meters 147.285, if you have a scanner and are in that area you might put that in and give them a listen. I have been into...
by booger351
Tuesday 25th Mar 2008, 17:24
Forum: CB Radio General
Topic: What Happened:
Replies: 10
Views: 17253

I don't know where in Indiana you are, I am right between Indy and Dayton ohio, near Richmond. There is quite a bit of cb traffic around here, channel 18, and 23 are the 2 main channels that are used in this area, with the occasional ssb on 38 and some on channels outside of the 40. Most guys around...
by booger351
Monday 24th Mar 2008, 21:08
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: 148 hooked up at 20 volts now wont work need help
Replies: 3
Views: 6395

I hate it when that happens. :D
by booger351
Monday 24th Mar 2008, 21:02
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: President Grant DX
Replies: 6
Views: 11104

President Grant DX

Radio Make. President Radio Model. Grant PCB number. pc-999 ac PLL number. mb8719 When the radio is keyed, the recieve indicator does not go out while the tx indicator lights up, and the radio shows no power output on a external meter. If the roger beep button is pushed in the recieve light blinks w...