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by Warf135
Wednesday 20th Jul 2022, 11:56
Forum: Marine, VHF and UHF Radios
Topic: Motorola HandiPro Euro446 Time-Out Timer.
Replies: 1
Views: 2981

Re: Motorola HandiPro Euro446 Time-Out Timer.

Its official, There is absolutely no information about these Motorola HandiPro Euro446 radios online anywhere!!! Its almost like these radios never existed. Strange, since they were\are pretty good radios. I'm gonna make a webpage about these radios, with self gained info about them and any scraps o...
by Warf135
Monday 6th Jun 2022, 6:32
Forum: Marine, VHF and UHF Radios
Topic: Motorola HandiPro Euro446 Time-Out Timer.
Replies: 1
Views: 2981

Motorola HandiPro Euro446 Time-Out Timer.

Hi Guys, Does anyone know a way to disable or extend the Time-Out Timer in the Motorola Euro446 handies? Make: Motorola Model: HandiPro Euro446 Type: PG531EAA R0192 PMR446 20220602_144034.jpg 20220602_144034.jpg There is no settings in the radio to adjust it, and as far as I know, it cannot be progr...
by Warf135
Monday 18th Feb 2013, 3:02
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

If I ever come over to the UK, I'll bring my Motorola Spectra with me and the locals will hear me for sure - 120 watts, 250 channels, programmable from 450 to 490 Mhz Nice! The kenwood TK361 I used for the gateway will tune up to about 4-5 watts, but I reasoned there is no point setting the gateway...
by Warf135
Sunday 17th Feb 2013, 8:59
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Hey there great to hear fro ya! Yea, I dont get on here as much any more.. Ithought the post was written by a 'bot' as it kinda talks about CB, but it makes no sense, and there is a link in the signature... "Determine a good small transformer white and blue pot modulation" determine a good...
by Warf135
Tuesday 12th Feb 2013, 21:49
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

please note that it is not a good idea to re-open posts that are long-dead (more than 2 years in this case) as the original poster is usually long gone.

Jimicorbet, your post makes no sense at all, please clarify.
by Warf135
Sunday 24th Jun 2012, 7:53
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: UK Maycom EM-27: Add missing AM components
Replies: 0
Views: 7800

UK Maycom EM-27: Add missing AM components

Hi Guys, do any of you know the components required to get the AM TX audio working in a UK Maycom EM-27? I have seen a list somewhere on the web, but of course now i need it i cant find it... hopefully someone on here knows the needed parts and it will save me hours of staring at the schematic to wo...
by Warf135
Tuesday 15th May 2012, 10:47
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Ham Jumbo MK1 - No Swing AM
Replies: 61
Views: 98081

Re: Ham Jumbo MK1 - No Swing AM

no worries dave, i've even been guilty of it myself in the past on various forums, until i was made aware of it a few years ago i didn't know it either... Scott: I hope my last post about the forum etiquette was ok, its a habit for me now (being a moderator on ERC forum) and i forget myself sometime...
by Warf135
Tuesday 15th May 2012, 9:53
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Ham Jumbo MK1 - No Swing AM
Replies: 61
Views: 98081

Re: Ham Jumbo MK1 - No Swing AM

Hi Dave, All the work i did to the oscillator board in the jumbo made the issue loads better, but it still was not 100%... turns out one of the AM IF amp transistors on the 059 board was weak (it was either Q14 15 or 16, I cant remember now) and that was the root of my 'clarifier-reverse-rf-gain' pr...
by Warf135
Thursday 6th Oct 2011, 9:51
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Wow i cant believe a month has gone by and i haven't got round to actually wiring the Hex Switches into the radio yet... Unfortunately this Audioline homebase has to take a back seat, as more important stuff has to be done first. (i have at least re-wired the hex switches, so they are correct now!) ...
by Warf135
Friday 2nd Sep 2011, 22:33
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

First of all, make sure they are not inverted - when the switches are at position "0", there should be NO connection between any of the pins (assuming they are 5 pin switches). Yes they are 5 pin switches and they are not inverted as i said in my last post. I tested the switches at 00, FF...
by Warf135
Friday 2nd Sep 2011, 5:05
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

I found some mini hex switches like this: so i built this little circuit: The mini hex switches are not inverted, so i have added a 10k resistor to each output pin. If i build another one i would probably use coloured ribbon ...
by Warf135
Friday 26th Aug 2011, 3:20
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

it sounds like a do-able project, though i have a few other projects on the go first so it this will have to wait till i can clear some space on my workbench... I did look at those hex switches this morning funny enough and nearly bought them then... I have plenty of vero board here so could make up...
by Warf135
Thursday 25th Aug 2011, 2:16
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Ah, ok! I think my tiny brain get it now lol! The inputs from the channel selector to eprom are address and the output to the PLL are data , so that when the input address is xxxxxxxx the output data is set to xxxxxxxx So, getting the address data should be easy, by using a PLL truth chart for the T...
by Warf135
Wednesday 24th Aug 2011, 21:48
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Thanks once again for an interesting and detailed reply. I understand about working out what code is required to get the output PLL to change frequencies, but I don't understand how to convert the code coming in to the code thats needed coming out. so if the input for ch1 would be HLLLLHHH and the o...
by Warf135
Wednesday 24th Aug 2011, 12:25
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Thanks for that explanation, I dont think i'll be able to work out the programming myself... (sounds like it will be a lots of maths involved lol)

I'll see if i can find anyone who has a dump from a working one, or if i can find a working one somewhere, although i don't hold out much hope of that :P
by Warf135
Sunday 21st Aug 2011, 6:17
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Thanks to Dave (Zodiac), here is a dump of the eprom: In .hex format In .txt format It seems like it may be corrupted as the data makes no sense (not that I know a lot about hex programming), and looks totally completely different t...
by Warf135
Monday 15th Aug 2011, 1:04
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

I have the eprom out and ready to send to Dave when the post office opens.. then we will know whats going on with it and weather it will read or not. I'm pretty sure the eprom is corrupted, but it may not be... Using the channel display lines to run the PLL switching is a great idea, although annoyi...
by Warf135
Saturday 13th Aug 2011, 6:55
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

i'm not sure if you could read the program with 4 dead legs on the eprom... I'll freely send it to you if you fancy having a play with it, but its not worth me spending much money on. PM me your address
by Warf135
Saturday 13th Aug 2011, 1:37
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

All the eprom inputs from the TC9119 to the eprom test fine, so I tested the output pins and they were mostly wrong. I have took the eprom board out of the radio, and happened to be chatting to a retired radio doc (in tesco's lol) who took the eprom board home to test it. His report is: "4 of t...
by Warf135
Wednesday 10th Aug 2011, 12:23
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Rick sent me the wiring info for my eprom board ages ago when i took it out of a scrap radio, but unfortunately he's away at the moment so i cant ask him about it. I'll be testing the eprom input voltages tomorrow... i'm pretty sure they will be ok, as i double checked that the radio was working per...
by Warf135
Wednesday 10th Aug 2011, 5:36
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Thanks Dave i'll Check those against my eprom board to see if its getting the correct inputs. (assuming that / is high and blank is low).

if the eprom is getting the correct inputs but incorrect outputs, can i assume that the eprom is bad?
by Warf135
Wednesday 10th Aug 2011, 2:07
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

pins 10 through 18 on the TC9119 goto pins 3 through 10 on the eprom, although now i notice that pin 10 and pin 18 go through the or gate chip so i will double check those. I do not have a Eprom programmer, but i do have a homebrew eprom reader circuit that plugs into a PC serial port, that i use to...
by Warf135
Monday 8th Aug 2011, 4:31
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Ok it looks like the eprom may be bad. Here are some voltages: TC9119p PLL in uniden radio: Pins 10 to 18: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0 Ch 1 7 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 Ch 2 7 0 0 7 0 7 7 7 0 Ch 3 0 7 0 7 7 7 7 7 0 Ch 4 0 0 0 7 0 7 7 7 0 Ch 5 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 7 0 Ch 20 0 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 Ch 40 with ribbon cable to eprom boa...
by Warf135
Friday 5th Aug 2011, 13:22
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

This should help... I spent all afternoon drawing it and it may contain errors, but should give you a reasonable idea how this eprom conversion board works: I'll check for voltage at TP1 tomorrow. I believe you could be right that its 'going out of lock' thats wha...
by Warf135
Wednesday 3rd Aug 2011, 4:13
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

You are 100% correct in what you say.. the 10.240Mhz crystal is connected to pins 3 and 4 of the MC145106 on the eprom board, there is a yellow wire from pin 4 on the MC145106 that connects to C60 on the uniden board and on to where it needs to. And so the green wire is still homeless :( Without the...
by Warf135
Wednesday 3rd Aug 2011, 1:03
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

Re: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

Hi thanks for the reply, I'll upload a pic of the eprom board later so you can see it ... its certainly an early board i would say. The 10.240mhz crystal is removed from the radio and fitted into the eprom board which has the 106 chip and also a cd4070be quad exclusive 'or' gate chip. It would appea...
by Warf135
Tuesday 2nd Aug 2011, 5:26
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119
Replies: 38
Views: 83400

JD Custom LC2 (iss1) Eprom conversion - TC9119

JD Custom LC2 Eprom conversion board Fitting into audioline pt345 homebase (039aa) Hello all. I have this Eprom board and am in the process of fitting it into my rig, but it appears that there are one or two pages missing from the instructions, and i am left with 5 wires and nowhere for them to go.....
by Warf135
Saturday 2nd Apr 2011, 10:09
Forum: CB Radio Modifications
Topic: Adding TX/RX LED to Lincoln
Replies: 7
Views: 17792

Re: Adding TX/RX LED to Lincoln

Hi Craig, Yea this was a pretty simple mod and it does make the radio look a lot different.. I did think about also modifying the DIM switch so that pressing it would swap the colours round too (so it could be red in RX and blue in TX) but I never got round to that... Could have any colour LED... I ...
by Warf135
Thursday 16th Dec 2010, 8:07
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Hi Dave, Thanks for your input. I have now modified the diagram and re-uploaded it. While altering the diag, I found an error myself. The main filter cap was listed as 4700uf 25v when that should have read 4700uf 50v. That has now been corrected too. Please re-view it and come back to me with any mo...
by Warf135
Wednesday 15th Dec 2010, 13:33
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Yes that is correct, the transformer does 27v with no load and 21v under load, so I put the average voltage of 25v on the diagram... I am thinking of updating the diagram and putting 15v - 25v on the transformer output, instead of 25v, so that anyone wanting to build it wont do their heads in search...
by Warf135
Tuesday 14th Dec 2010, 4:14
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

The delay switching transistor is a BD681, not an 861 - The delay cap should be 35V, not 25. Well spotted! There goes my dyslexia again... The cap I used was a 35v one, so I dont know why I put 25v on the diagram :doh: with all things working correctly there is 10v at the cap. (I have corrected and...
by Warf135
Monday 13th Dec 2010, 13:21
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

I am happy to announce that the power supply is finally done! :dance: The Crowbar set at 16.4v works perfectly. The Startup Delay circuit as per diagram gives just over 2 seconds delay, which is fine. Here is the diagram (corrected) (& simplified): PSU_v4_diag.gif And here is a photo of the finn...
by Warf135
Tuesday 7th Dec 2010, 13:56
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

and you've had a good tutor in Sue. I couldn't agree more with that! Thanks Sue =D> =D> =D> I've built a few basic supplys in the past, but none in this league... many using 7812 regulator with diode/resistor on the ground leg to get 13.8v from it, feeding single 2N3055... they worked ok, but obvio...
by Warf135
Tuesday 7th Dec 2010, 6:16
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Thanks for your comments Dave, When I have built and added this startup delay to my PSU I will make and upload a diagram of the whole supply. I recommend this regulator design to anyone and everyone... this power supply is more stable and better under load than even my 15A Zetagi supply! I've learne...
by Warf135
Monday 6th Dec 2010, 7:25
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Unfortunately, I can't There are two errors: I thought my diagram was incorrect as the emitter had no connetion (except to the diode). Thanks for clearing that up for me! If you are using a 12V relay you'll need a dropper resistor Again I re-confirm my muppet status!!! I have just ordered a new 12v...
by Warf135
Saturday 4th Dec 2010, 4:10
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Ok so its official, I'm a Muppet! :) I had tested the voltage of the transformer at 27v ac... then connected it to the circuit and and measured 27v dc at the filter caps... Guess what I did wrong? ... (no i dont have a true peak meter lol) I tested the transformers output with no load on it! :doh: I...
by Warf135
Saturday 4th Dec 2010, 2:02
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

You Cannot use a 15v transformer for 13.8v supply as this only leaves 1.2v difference which is not enough for the regulator to work correctly :doh: say yourself that the regulator needs at least 3-4v to maintain regulation... so 13.8 + 3 (mimimum) = 16.8 so the smallest transformer you could...
by Warf135
Friday 3rd Dec 2010, 6:02
Forum: Tips and forum usage
Topic: Picture Posting Problem?
Replies: 1
Views: 6201

Picture Posting Problem?

Hi Scott, sometimes when I upload an image file (jpg of gif) using "upload attachment", it displays in the post correctly and other times it just leaves it as a link that has to be clicked to display the image... What am I doing wrong? :? any ideas?
by Warf135
Friday 3rd Dec 2010, 5:45
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Here is the full Circuit Diagram of the completed 12A PSU that I built: NormsPSU3.gif It is a very stable supply, adjustable from 11 to 15 volts and has over voltage and over current protection. The "crowbar" over voltage protection is set at 16.4 (by the two 8.2v zenners) because when its...
by Warf135
Tuesday 30th Nov 2010, 3:59
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification
Replies: 4
Views: 9217

Re: TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification

It was defo the coil causing it to trip out the electric, but when opened it was found to have no faults at all... nevemind, at least the FC is back working again! Thanks for all your help on both of my recent posts =D> , I hope that things calm down a bit and you manage to get that break you want.
by Warf135
Monday 29th Nov 2010, 17:13
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Ok, I have been doing some research on this crowbar issue and found this info on another forum where someone was gonna build basically the crowbar that I built: Tripping the crowbar at 15V when the nominal supply is 13.8V is cutting it too close IMHO - that is less than 10% overvoltage. Look at crow...
by Warf135
Monday 29th Nov 2010, 1:34
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification
Replies: 4
Views: 9217

Re: TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification

Cool, Thanks for the reply. The power supply in the FC is linear and not switch mode. its a few years old for sure, maybe from the 80's. I know that it was considered quite a good one in its day. The diagram you posted is exactly like what is inside the plastic case. After opening, inspecting and re...
by Warf135
Sunday 28th Nov 2010, 2:47
Forum: Scanners
Topic: PRO-2042 Noisy Recieve
Replies: 0
Views: 6514

PRO-2042 Noisy Recieve

This is my Realistic (RadioShack) pro-2042 Scanner -made by GRE in about 1996 (Previously posted in the wrong section, but now deleted from there) The scanner is working well, but the recieve is noisy (even strong signals have some noise behind them)... I suspect a bad front end transistor, but cann...
by Warf135
Saturday 27th Nov 2010, 4:36
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification
Replies: 4
Views: 9217

TRIO FC756 Frequency counter - Coil Identification

Trio FC756 Frequency counter. This coil is connected between the live and negative mains input and the mains transformer. Every time the FC is plugged in it trips the electric. With this coil removed and the connections bridged with wire the FC works correctly. I would like to replace this Coil but ...
by Warf135
Friday 26th Nov 2010, 5:16
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Thanks for the info... I have tested it with the circuit you suggest and the voltage is absoultely stable and does not change at all when load is connected/disconnected. At first, I thought it may be my digital meter smoothing out any spike, so I re-tested with analogue meter with the same results, ...
by Warf135
Tuesday 23rd Nov 2010, 7:01
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Just ordered this 12a panel mount circuit breaker... should do the job nicely I hope! ... K:MEWNX:IT
by Warf135
Monday 22nd Nov 2010, 10:33
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Thanks for interesting reply. Sorry, But I seem to have given the impression of the wrong problem.. the problem I have is that I turn the power supply on and all is fine... I can leave it for maybe 5 mins so its definately settled... then I connect the load and thats what blows the fuse...but if the...
by Warf135
Saturday 20th Nov 2010, 4:25
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

Regulator and Crowbar circuit built and power supply working well :dance: only dropping by 0.04 volts maximum under heavy load :D I have one slight issue though; if a load is connected whilst the power supply is turned on the fuse blows... if the crowbar circuit is disconnected this does not happen ...
by Warf135
Tuesday 16th Nov 2010, 0:55
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

I'm assuming here the supply has a metal case , connected to mains earth... Yes. It's a fairly common (though totally illegal) mod to wire a regular power outlet to the second circuit on our economy 7 system it puts all of the electricty on the cheap rate at night, so the normal power outlets are c...
by Warf135
Saturday 13th Nov 2010, 4:44
Forum: CB Radio Repair and Troubleshooting
Topic: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load
Replies: 51
Views: 92294

Re: Power Supply - Voltage drop under load

The fuse in the plug will be 3 amps minimum (either 3, 5 or 13 amps are the standard ratings for mains fuses in plugs over here), so I think I will put a smaller fuse in line with the transformer and I will also look into the thermal fuse you mention. the mains lead at the moment goes straight into ...