Galaxy dx949 low transmit

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Galaxy dx949 low transmit

Post by perrym1962 »

Radio Make and Model: Galaxy dx949
PCB Number: EPT069610Z
PLL Number: RCI-8719
Test gear available: limited, volt-ohm meter- solder pencil, basic..
Symptoms: Just purchased, 3 yrs old but got it brand new never taken out of box. Turned up vr16 for more modulation, not clipped. Was doing in the 20 watt range working perfectly for a few hours. Power started getting lower and lower. Now it is keying hardly nothing and swinging to about 5 watts max. Same on ssb transmit power is very low.

What is working: Everything works perfectly except for transmit power. Final or Driver maybe? What components has to be changed to put in 2166 driver and 1969 final as I have these parts. I am limited on electronic knowledge, but can change final trans etc.

What has been tried: Nothing

Did it suddenly happen ?: Within a few minutes
Anything else that may be of help?: Date of mfg 2-10 serial #95945648
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