Channel numbers don't match frequencies

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Channel numbers don't match frequencies

Post by StrightClaw »

My Texas Ranger Base 696 SSB has went haywire. I don't know when it happened as I most of the time are on channel 8. Anyhow I was flipping channels around, and found out there all screwed up. Here's what I have.

Channels 1,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,18,19,20,26,27,28,33,34,and 35 are all normal and in place.
But the following channels are displayed and TX and RX on the channels shown.

Channel 2 reads 26.93
Channel 3 reads 26.94
Channel 4 reads 26.96

Channel 9 reads 27.02
Channel 10 reads27.03
Channel 11 reads 27.04

Channel 15 reads 27.09
Channel 16 reads 27.11
Channel 17 reads 27.12

Channel 21 reads 27.17
Channel 22 reads 27.18
Channel 23 reads 27.25
Channel 24 reads 27.19
Channel 25 reads 27.20

Channel 29 reads 27.25
Channel 30 reads 27.26
Channel 31 reads 27.27
Channel 32 reads 27.28

Channel 37 reads 27.33
Channel 38 reads 27.34
Channel 39 reads 27.35
Channel 40 reads 27.36

Does anyone have a clue ???
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